With the Zivid Two camera, CapSen achieved a combined image capture and object detection speed of under 0.5 seconds and an average cycle time of 4 seconds per pick. In addition, thanks to the camera’s artifact reduction technology, native color operation, and high dynamic range, CapSen’s solution has operated error free, 24/7, while picking a wide variety of matte, glossy, semitransparent, and plastic-wrapped products.

With the Zivid Two camera, CapSen achieved a combined image capture and object detection speed of under 0.5 seconds and an average cycle time of 4 seconds per pick. In addition, thanks to the camera’s artifact reduction technology, native color operation, and high dynamic range, CapSen’s solution has operated error free, 24/7, while picking a wide variety of matte, glossy, semitransparent, and plastic-wrapped products.

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